My latest conversation with Mike Graham. We discuss Al Johnson's growing megalomania ...
....blood donation, and how much safer freedom was during the Cold War.
....blood donation, and how much safer freedom was during the Cold War.
This is Peter Hitchens’s Mail on Sunday column
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If the trained hunters of the Government’s National Panic Service had not tracked them down, most of them would never have known they were supposed to be ill. Why do we take this seriously?
It is a fact, not a ‘conspiracy theory’, that the power of the state is now being used to keep us in a condition of perpetual alarm. We are ceaselessly threatened with a ‘second wave’ for which there is, in fact, no evidence.
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No doubt Oxford will be one of the next cities to undergo some sort of renewed shutdown, to keep us in our place. This fatuous propaganda is just preparing the way. The more scared we are, the more we obey.
It ended by intoning: ‘We must each do our bit to protect ourselves and others.’ The use of the phrase ‘do our bit’, of course, invokes the phoney Blitz spirit that is used against anyone who looks at the actual researched facts and says, as I do: ‘Don’t be silly.’
For daring to stay calm, I am then accused of being a collaborator with the wicked Nazi virus. The played-out, once-independent magazine Private Eye, now a boring mouthpiece of wokeness, actually did this to me last week.
The truth is that the number of deaths from Covid, even the fiddled and inflated version which the Government clings to, is falling closer and closer to zero.
So, even more significantly, are hospital admissions, which would be rising steeply if these ‘infection’ figures actually represented large numbers of seriously ill people.
These things are true both of Britain and of Spain, whose supposed spike in Covid was used to destroy the holiday plans of more than a million people last week in an arbitrary decision of astonishing uselessness.
At the peak of the epidemic in April, Spain at one point suffered 961 deaths in one day.
According to the Coronavirus Worldometer, the daily Covid deaths in Spain for the past few weeks have rarely risen above five a day, and have often been fewer than that.
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The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is, in my view, prissy, pathetic and political. He has utterly failed to stand up for his church against its first compulsory shutdown since the days of Bad King John eight centuries back.
Not long ago Welby supported the disgraceful smearing of a man whose mitre he would not have been fit to carry, the courageous and selfless Bishop George Bell of Chichester (please, please do not confuse Bell with the revolting criminal Bishop Peter Ball, with whom he is not remotely connected).
Bell, long after his death, was wrongly labelled as a child abuser by a secret kangaroo court of the Church of England, which did not even bother to look for living witnesses for the defence.
When this outrage was met with a wave of fury from the many who had known and loved Bell, an independent inquiry tore the case against him to shreds. But even after Bell was cleared to the satisfaction of all open-minded people, Welby (like many weak men reluctant to admit an error) continued to insist that a ‘significant cloud’ still hung over Bell.
Am I now entitled to see a spot of divine retribution in the revelation last week that the C of E is investigating how Welby dealt with complaints of serial abuse of young men at Christian holiday camps? Well, I do. One of those affected has now written to the Church with a formal complaint against the Archbishop, once a dormitory officer at the camps, saying Welby did not do enough when he learned of the abuse.
The man claims Welby failed to refer the abuse directly to social services and the police, in breach of church guidelines.
Welby has always said he knew nothing of the allegations until 2013, when the Church referred them to the police. Well, no doubt Welby will be cleared of all this. But will he then proclaim that a ‘significant cloud’ still hangs over himself? Or will he learn that if you desire justice for yourself, you have to desire it for others?
France spots the link between Marijuana and Violence
In France, a brief flash of good sense. The new Prime Minister, Jean Castex, is introducing on-the-spot fines for marijuana possession, partly because of the obvious link between this allegedly ‘soft’ drug and criminal violence.
He announced the plan during a visit to Nice, which has recently suffered weeks of drugs-related violence.
I only hope his security chiefs have finally spotted the fact that almost all the terrorist killers in France in the past few years (including Mohamed Bouhlel, the atheist petty criminal who was the culprit of the lorry massacre in Nice itself in July 2016) have been marijuana users.
Last Monday I tried to give a pint of blood, something I do reasonably regularly – though not as often as I should. I was prevented from even entering the Donor Centre by a senior functionary of the English Blood Service, because I declined to wear a muzzle.
Oh, how selfish and pompous of me, to deprive someone in need of my blood, because I wouldn’t don a strip of cloth for a few minutes! Well, I don’t agree. And if you do you can easily nip along to your nearest blood bank and replace the pint I didn’t give with one of your own. But will you really?
It’s precisely because I’m the sort of person who gives blood (fewer than a million in England do so) that I’m also the sort of person who objects to being forced to wear futile garments by bossy bureaucrats.
There’s no good evidence that these muzzles stop transmission of Covid. And I view them as a badge of submission to a series of stupid and damaging Government policies which I oppose and despise. To don one of these things would be compelled speech, like being forced to wear a badge saying ‘I LOVE BORIS’, when I don’t.
But it’s worse than that. The enforced wearing of face-nappies by donors – which even the Government does not require – may actually be making the process less safe in England. The blood services of all three of the other nations in the UK ask donors to remove masks during donation. This is because, as Welsh Blood puts it: ‘Wearing a face covering will hide the signs that indicate to staff that a donor is about to faint and possibly injure themselves. It is essential that our staff can see donors’ faces so they can intervene at the earliest opportunity if a donor is about to faint.’
The services in Scotland and Northern Ireland confirmed to me that they take the same view. But the English service, the NHSBT, refuses to discuss it, taking a Dalek-like view that you will jolly well obey. I think they have forgotten that donors are volunteers.
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This is Peter Hitchens’s Mail on Sunday column
The Government’s dedicated efforts to destroy our economy and an entire way of life have moved up a step.
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The Government has convinced itself that this idiotic measure will somehow increase confidence. Really? After deliberately terrifying us with horror stories about a huge and deadly plague poised to slay millions and to turn our hospitals into charnel houses?
This did not happen because it was never going to happen, as more and more studies (the latest from Toronto University) are showing. The Government panicked over the wrong advice.
This superstitious, anti-scientific rubbish was challenged repeatedly by distinguished experts of all kinds, ignored by Government and BBC alike. But it has worked only too well. Travellers on public transport, where the muzzle edict has been in force for weeks, could have told them.
Forcing passengers to don facial nappies has not led to more travelling by train or bus. I speak here from direct personal experience. Passenger numbers remain pitifully low.
People are still scared to travel. Or – and this is a major factor in our approaching national doom – they have worked out that by pretending to be afraid, they can continue to stay away from work while still getting paid.
In fact, Prime Minister Alexander Johnson (can we drop the matey ‘Boris’ for ever? He is not our mate) has in a few short weeks done more damage to Britain’s railways than the notorious axeman Dr Richard Beeching of despised memory did back in the 1960s.
Now Mr Johnson is destroying high streets too. This means the wreckage of lives and the impoverishment of life at the same time. As new figures clearly showed yesterday, his actions have already greatly boosted mail-order shopping at the expense of real shops.
If you think this does not matter, then do two things: find out about the working lives of those who toil in the vast computerised warehouses that so efficiently send you the goods you order with a click of your mouse; and imagine your own home town with most of its familiar traders closed down. Imagine what, if anything, will replace them, and the personal service and contact they provide.
This is just a small instance of the great hurricane of economic destruction that has been unleashed on us by a government that has no idea what it is doing. The free money cannot last much longer.
Closures, job cuts, inflation, tax rises and a slashing of public services are all on their way.
南京江宁区管干部一对一:老王走了,他的“民情 ...-人民网:2021-12-9 · 南京江宁区管干部一对一:老王走了,他的“民情日记”还在继续 2021年12月09日13:47 来源:南京日报 手机看新闻 打印 网摘 纠错 商城 分享 推荐
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I see the Prime Minister and his colleagues as a gaggle of Oxbridge undergraduates, full of their own brilliance, chattering wittily and slurping champagne beneath a parasol as their punt drifts down the pretty river.
But the river, smooth as it is, is not the quiet Cam or the gentle Isis – it is the Niagara, and that deep growl they hear in the distance when they pause in their banter is the catastrophe towards which they are steering, because they dare not admit to us or to themselves that they made a terrible mistake.
Now the Revolution Turns towards the Wanton Destruction of Beauty
One of the most beautiful things in England, in fact in the world, is the music of cathedral choirs, now under severe threat from the Government’s suppression of almost all normal human activity.
That music is about as diverse and inclusive as it can get, as it comes from the ancient monastic cycle of prayer and song that once united the whole of Europe but survives, almost uniquely, here.
Some of it is so lovely that I cannot believe anybody, from any culture in the world, will not be profoundly moved by it.
Yet here we see Sheffield Cathedral, perhaps grabbing its chance amid the state-induced coma which grips the country, declaring that it will ‘stand down’ its choir. It’s not diverse enough, you see.
Such choirs are forged by centuries of tradition and long hours of hard and dedicated work. They cannot be made overnight, and once dispersed are as hard to recreate as a dream that faded on waking.
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Dame Cressida Dick, head of the Metropolitan Police, perhaps knows a little about shame.
She might feel a bit of it, most recently, over her force’s terrible and so far unpunished mistreatment of the late Field Marshal Edwin Bramall and others, after they were falsely accused of filthy crimes by an obvious fantasist.
So what are we to make of her telling a London radio station that she hopes people who do not comply with the face mask decree ‘will be shamed into complying or shamed to leave the store by the store keepers or by other members of the public’?
Is this, as it appears to be, the condoning by a senior police officer of bullying vigilante action?
Such bullying may well be directed against people with legitimate exemptions invisible to their persecutors. If so, then shame on her. I have never understood how even the politically correct elite could have promoted Dame Cressida to such an important job.
I am afraid I chortled several times as I read the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee’s oh-so-serious report on Russia.
As well as being almost entirely free of new facts, it hilariously accused the Russians of being paranoid about us. Well, perhaps they are. Russia has been invaded so many times (even we have had a go) that it is entitled to be a bit over-defensive.
But if so, the British attitude towards Moscow is just as psychiatric, especially given our elite’s greed for Russian money and their readiness to consort with (and take donations from) Russian billionaires who are no better than they ought to be.
We have no border with Russia, nor any other territorial, naval or economic conflict, and long ago lost the Indian empire that lay at their back door. We hardly trade with them.
I am pretty sure that they spend very little time thinking about us, except as a minor hanger-on of the USA. Do they really seek to intervene in our politics? For what end? They are a poor, under-populated country nearly 2,000 miles away, in serious danger of being bought up by China. And if they mount cyber-attacks on us, as I am sure they do, are we not doing the same to them?
I learned from the report that we now have something called a National Offensive Cyber Programme, whose title suggests that its staff might possibly engage in a little bit of electronic aggression from time to time. And quite right too.
Countries that don’t prepare for battle lose wars. But it is a bit ridiculous to have an offensive cyber programme and then moan self-righteously when your target returns the favour.
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My latest conversation with Mike Graham on Talk Radio
This is Peter Hitchens’ Mail on Sunday column
In the name of Covid, the State has already thrust itself into every corner of our existence.
It has come between husbands and wives at the ends of their lives. It has forbidden the old to embrace their grandchildren.
It has denied us funerals and weddings, locked the churches, silenced the ancient monastic music of cathedral choirs and prevented the free worship of God for the first time in 800 years, and banned us (unless we are Left-wing) from holding or attending public meetings.
It has ordered us to stay at home, scolded or fined us for sunbathing, going on country rambles or even entering our front gardens.
It has forced millions of us to stop working, sabotaged the educations – at school and university – of untold numbers of young people and has become our boss and paymaster in the biggest state takeover of life and work ever attempted by non-Communists.
Soon we will discover that it has also wrecked an already wobbly economy and separated untold numbers of us from jobs and businesses we thought were safe. Soon, too, it will also separate us from our savings, through punishing tax and savage inflation, to pay for the disaster it has caused.
Now it presumes to tell us what to wear. And what it wants us to wear is a soggy cloth muzzle, a face-nappy that turns its wearer from a normal human into a mumbling, mouthless submissive.
And this, it seems, is popular. Is there nothing the modern British people will not put up with? Britain’s muzzle consumption is now so high that six months from now there will be reports of dolphins and whales floundering about in an ocean made sticky by millions of gallons of hand-sanitiser, as they choke on congealed clumps of used muzzles.
These items are set to become the new plastic bags. Why is this frenzy taking place?
Here is a clue. On July 12, Deborah Cohen, the medical correspondent of BBC2’s Newsnight, revealed an astonishing thing. The World Health Organisation (WHO) had reversed its advice on face masks, from ‘don’t wear them’ to ‘do wear them’.
But the key fact was that it had not done so because of scientific information – the evidence had not backed the wearing of face coverings – but because of political lobbying.
She revealed on Twitter that: ‘We had been told by various sources [that the] WHO committee reviewing the evidence had not backed masks but they recommended them due to political lobbying.’ She said the BBC had then put this to the WHO, which did not deny it.
In March, the WHO had said: ‘There is currently no evidence that wearing a mask (whether medical or other types) by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can protect them from infection with respiratory viruses, including Covid-19.’
The American TV news channel CNN reported on March 31 that Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies programme, had said at a briefing in Geneva: ‘There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit.
‘In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly.’
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Earlier that same month, England’s chief medical officer, Chris Whitty, had said that wearing face masks would do little to combat the outbreak.
While noting that if someone was infected, they might reduce the danger of spreading the disease by covering their faces, Prof Whitty said wearing a face mask had almost no effect on reducing the risk of contracting the illness.
He stated: ‘In terms of wearing a mask, our advice is clear: that wearing a mask if you don’t have an infection reduces the risk almost not at all. So we do not advise that.’
Also in March, the Advertising Standards Authority banned two firms’ advertisements for masks, saying that the adverts were ‘misleading, irresponsible and likely to cause fear without justifiable reason’.
At about the same time, Dr Jenny Harries, a Deputy Chief Medical Officer, warned that people could be putting themselves more at risk from contracting Covid by wearing muzzles. She said masks could ‘actually trap the virus’, and cause the person wearing it to breathe it in. She explained: ‘For the average member of the public walking down a street, it is not a good idea.’
佛系卡牌游戏&《AFK Arena》佛系挂机卡牌游戏——莉莉丝 ...:2021-1-28 · 佛系卡牌游戏&《AFK Arena》佛系挂机卡牌游戏——莉莉丝游戏
The British Government has also zig-zagged. As recently as June 24, in a series of official pamphlets for reopening shops and services, the Department for Business and Enterprise said repeatedly: ‘The evidence of the benefit of using a face covering to protect others is weak and the effect is likely to be small.’
This was true at the time and it is still true. The evidence is indeed weak. There is plenty of research showing that the case for muzzles is poor, especially a survey done for the dental profession four years ago, which quietly vanished from the internet after mask opponents began to cite it.
The scientific papers in favour of muzzling are full of weak, hesitant words such as ‘probably, ‘could’ and ‘may’ – which can equally well be expressed as ‘probably not’, ‘could not’ or ‘may not’.
There has not been any great discovery in the past few days.
Generally, the main way of discovering if something works is the Randomised Control Trial (RCT), in which the proposed treatment or method is tested directly and thoroughly.
This hasn’t been done with muzzles, probably because it would be a bit difficult and possibly because muzzle zealots fear the results would not help their case.
Amazingly, the chief spokesman for science in this country, who should surely support proper rigour, has dismissed such RCTs.
Venki Ramakrishnan, president of the Royal Society, sneered at ‘inappropriate’ RCTs as ‘methodological fetishism’. He did this while advocating more compulsory muzzle-wearing when he appeared on Radio 4’s Today programme on July 7 – as the political lobbying for muzzles intensified.
佛佛佛 - 收藏夹 - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-6-29 · 放在中国古伋,谁敢这么打守城战,人头早就被挂在旗杆上风干了;就算打赢了,回来也得被斩首示众。我现在理解为什么罗柏斯塔克在呓语森林就用了个简单的不能再简单的声东击西就被称为天才统帅,原来维斯特洛的指挥官的平均水平是TM这样的。Why are they changing? Interestingly, Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s muzzle edict was the first action by the London Government which actually copied a move made by Nicola Sturgeon’s extremely Left-wing Edinburgh administration.
There are many signs that it has not been thought through, at least by scientists.
Why are we more likely to spread Covid in a shop than we are to do so in a pub or restaurant? The question cannot be answered.
What evidence there is certainly suggests that the risk of transmission is greater if we linger longer, but the Government does not dare close down the catering trade again, because it would be wildly unpopular and because these businesses are on the point of bankruptcy – and such an action would shut them.
The truth is that the muzzle policy is all about power and fear.
The Government began its wild, disproportionate shutdown of the country by spreading fear of a devastating plague that would destroy the NHS and kill untold thousands.
Now, as many people find that Covid-19 is, in fact, nothing of the kind, new ways have to be found to keep up the alarm levels.
One was exposed on Friday by the superb scientists of the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. Puzzled by the way that Covid death figures in England continued to pour in, while they had all but ceased in Scotland, they looked at the figures from Public Health England (PHE).
And they found, in their own devastating words ‘It seems that PHE regularly looks for people on the NHS database who have ever tested positive, and simply checks to see if they are still alive or not.
‘PHE does not appear to consider how long ago the Covid test result was, nor whether the person has been successfully treated in hospital and discharged to the community. Anyone who has tested Covid positive but subsequently died at a later date of any cause will be included on the PHE Covid death figures.
‘By this PHE definition, no one with Covid in England is allowed to ever recover from their illness. A patient who has tested positive, but been successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a Covid death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later.’
This problem would be avoided by having a simple cut-off, where those who tested positive more than 28 days ago were no longer counted as Covid deaths. Scotland does this. That is why its figures are lower.
Findings are now also pouring in which suggest that a horribly high number of the excess deaths during the last few months were not caused by Covid, but by people failing to seek treatment for heart attacks, strokes and cancer.
Despite the propagandists of the BBC, which has tried as hard as it can never to mention the legions of dissenting scientists who dispute the Government’s policy, people are beginning to wonder, in increasing numbers, if they might have been taken for a ride.
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In a few weeks’ time, the Government faces the onset of what may be the worst economic crisis since 1929. It needs to keep the fear levels up to maintain its authority.
One way of doing this is the ceaseless promotion of an alleged ‘second wave’ of Covid, for which there is no evidence.
Another is to undertake a ferocious testing policy. This is now happening in Leicester where testers go from door to door to discover people who are ‘infected’ with Covid, even if they have no symptoms (which is usually the case) and are perfectly healthy. Then they can raise the alarm and close down the city.
But muzzling the populace is even better. People such as me, who think Ministers’ response to the virus is wildly out of proportion, have until now been able to live amid the propaganda, trying to stay sane.
But the muzzle is a badge of subservience and submission. Anyone who dons it publicly is agreeing to the Government’s crazy assessment of the level of danger.
Societies in which citizens are discouraged from speaking out against the regime, as this has become, are pretty disgraceful. But countries where the citizens are compelled to endorse the opinion of the state are a serious step further down the path to totalitarianism.
求黑暗之魂2故事背景及个别场景 人物介绍_百度知道:2021-9-7 · 第二类是老王统治轮回中的世俗国家和势力,也就是多兰古雷格同时伋的国家,其中有些已经灭亡,有些仍然健在。 第一个是沙之国度乌格,除了名称和国家特点外其他不详,不过不排除这里原来就是黑人洋葱骑士的故乡卡塔利纳,堆土塔有乌格的沙之魔法师守卫,拿蓝玻璃大剑的凡何特也是乌格 ...
The psychological effect of these garments, on those who wear them, is huge.
And it also has another nasty result for society as a whole.
Dissenters, who prefer not to muzzle themselves, are made to stand out from the surrendered majority, who then become quite keen on pressuring the non-conformists to do as they are told, and on informing against them.
I predicted the same outcome during the House Arrest period in April, and was mocked for it, but it came true.
When all this began, I felt fear. But it was not fear of the disease, which was clearly overstated from the start.
安卓全能扫描王v4.8.5 OCR文字识别软件 | 菜鸟IT资源网:2021-6-12 · 6月11日更新 一款能够将书籍、照中的图文字识别提取出来OCR文字识别软件,也是一款能够将扫描翻译的全能扫描伈。 可伍简单方便的将图文字转换文本文字,免除了手动输入排版的麻烦;也可伍快速的扫描文档,照等各种文件,将他伊直接转PDF格式保存或打印。
It is my view that, if you don that muzzle, you are giving your assent to that change.
老王V2.2.12最新秒上谷歌去除部分广告(永久免费佛系灯笼) ️ ...:2021-9-8 · 老王V2.2.12最新秒上谷歌去除部分广告(永久免费佛系灯笼) ️- 秒连 高速 稳定 永久更新 科学上网 高速梯子 2021-9-8 阅读(33707) 评论(2233) 分类: 软件仓库 上一篇 伋码笔记 v1.1.4-开发者必备APP 下一篇 9.7TM云顶之弈2.2破解版 作者: Admin 全网最全的 ...
Should I be ruder in this article? I have tried to be restrained and cautious, where a minister of the Crown has in my view not been. But I am not sure that people are grasping the implications of what I have written below. Perhaps readers should tell me. Should I descend to the level of the government, to fight the government's propaganda? I am reluctant to do so, but I do not want all this work to go for nothing.
Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health, just before 2.00 p.m. Tuesday 14th July, in the Commons, said :
‘We want to give people more confidence to shop safely and enhance protections for those who work in shops. Both of those can be done by the use of face coverings. Sadly, sales assistants, cashiers and security guards have suffered disproportionately in this crisis. The death rate of sales and retail assistants is 75% higher among men and 60% higher among women than in the general population. As we restore shopping, so we must keep our shopkeepers safe.’
Now, this sounds like a very serious statistic. If shop workers are dying at such a high rate from Covid-19, then shops must surely be very dangerous places.
I asked the Health Department what he was basing this on. They responded by sending me a link to this Office for National Statistics document released on 26th June:
净空法师:我劝大家把海贤老和尚的光碟看一千遍--学佛网:2021-6-1 · 当海贤师父看到圆明寺寺院观音殿前大梧桐树枝下垂过低,妨碍来往信众,就拿着斧头、锯刀,爬着梯子上到树上修刷树枝。一一二岁的老人啦,万一有个闪失咋办?高兴的是,师父都一百多岁啦,还能自个上到树上干这活,真是咱佛门的僧宝啊!
Let us take a look at it. Actually, the figures are restricted to working age Covid deaths, and, while every death is a tragedy, the actual numbers involved in the entire survey referenced here are comparatively small. This is because Covid-19 deaths are concentrated in the over 65s rather than among working-age persons. All emphases are my own.
So it opens ‘A total of 4,761 deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the working age population (those aged 20 to 64 years) of England and Wales were registered between 9 March and 25 May 2023. As in all Covid death figures the toll falls much more heavily on men.
‘Nearly two-thirds of these deaths were among men (3,122 deaths), with the age-standardised mortality rate of death involving COVID-19 being statistically higher in men, at 19.1 deaths per 100,000 men aged 20 to 64 years compared with 9.7 deaths per 100,000 women (1,639 deaths).’
国外版知乎 Quora v2.8.56 学习知识 看看老外的难题 - Go破解:1 天前 · 国外版知乎 Quora 是问答论坛,Quora 有着大量高质量内容丰富知识,在用户生活或工作中遇到不知道的常识性问题时,可伍在 Quora 平台上免费发布相关问题,从而快速获得相关答案!Go破解听说 Quora 发表一个问题有秒回的,如果有学英语的小伙伴 ...
So no surprise to see: ‘Compared with the rate among people of the same sex and age in England and Wales, men working in elementary occupations had the highest rate of death involving COVID-19, with 39.7 deaths per 100,000 men (421 deaths)’.
For example ‘of the specific elementary occupations, men working as security guards had the highest rate, with 74.0 deaths per 100,000 (104 deaths).’ This is almost four times the average death rate for men (see above, emphasised) of 19.1 deaths per 100,000) Now, it occurs to me (am I mistaken? I’d be grateful for any verifiable information) that security guards tend to work mainly alone at night. So can we attribute this very high death rate to frequent contact with unmasked members of the public? So we might need to look for another correlation apart from nature of workplace?
Now we come to the key bit, from which I assume Mr Hancock drew his figures; ‘Among women, four specific occupations had raised rates of death involving COVID-19, including sales and retail assistants (15.7 deaths per 100,000 women, or 64 deaths).’
‘Because of the higher number of deaths among men, 17 specific occupations were found to have raised rates of death involving COVID-19, some of which included: taxi drivers and chauffeurs (65.3 deaths per 100,000; 134 deaths); bus and coach drivers (44.2 deaths per 100,000; 53 deaths); chefs (56.8 deaths per 100,000; 49 deaths); and sales and retail assistants (34.2 deaths per 100,000; 43 deaths).’
Also ‘Men and women working in social care, a group including care workers and home carers, both had significantly raised rates of death involving COVID-19, with rates of 50.1 deaths per 100,000 men (97 deaths) and 19.1 deaths per 100,000 women (171 deaths).’
These occupations differ quite a bit, but it seems to me that the main thing they have in common is low pay.
Then there’s the other matter. These figures do *not* discriminate between workers in food shops, which remained open during almost the whole period of the survey between 9 March and 25 May 2023, and those in shops selling ‘non-essentials’ which closed on or soon after the 24th March and did not reopen until 15th June.
At the end of the document’s introduction are these words (my emphases): ‘There are lots of complex things playing out during the pandemic and the risk of death involving COVID-19 is influenced by a range of factors including the job someone does, but also age, ethnicity and underlying health conditions. We also know that 国外版知乎 Quora v2.8.56 学习知识 看看老外的难题 - Go破解:1 天前 · 国外版知乎 Quora 是问答论坛,Quora 有着大量高质量内容丰富知识,在用户生活或工作中遇到不知道的常识性问题时,可伍在 Quora 平台上免费发布相关问题,从而快速获得相关答案!Go破解听说 Quora 发表一个问题有秒回的,如果有学英语的小伙伴 ... and those living in urban areas such as London, have been found to have the highest rates of death involving COVID-19.
‘Today’s analysis shows that jobs involving close proximity with others, and those where there is regular exposure to disease, have some of the highest rates of death from COVID-19. However, 北京59年老面馆终谢幕 老员工留下老匾作念想-中 ... - China ...:2021-3-26 · 昨晚9点40分,随着工作人员伸手将“新成削面馆”的匾额摘下,经营了59年的老饭馆终于谢幕。 本报讯(记者张硕 实习生白更)昨晚9点40分,随着 ....’
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It is very tempting to comment on Mr Hancock’s use of these figures. But I think in the end I prefer to let the Hansard quote and the figures on which it is based speak for themselves.